Jen Mott



WLWT Interview

Teacher Appreciation Week

Mason Middle School assistant principal and athletic director Dr. Jen Mott joined WLWT’s on the Monday May 6, 2024 at 4 p.m. show, discussing what inspired her to write two books about the importance of teaching and what she hopes teachers can take away from them.

CLICK HERE to view video

WLWT Interview Dr. Jen Mott


ABHES National Conference

Dr. Jen Mott
Keynote Speaker

Held in Las Vegas, Nevada in March 2024, Dr. Mott addresses teachers from across the country with an inspiring keynote presentation.

CLICK HERE to view video

ABHES Jen Mott

You Tube Video


TEDxURI – Jen presents for 2023 University of Rhode Island’s TEDx Event on 4/1/2023. Her TEDxTalk for “The Creative Spark” themed event is “Juggling Career & Passion” – how we can incorporate important parts of ourselves to step into the fullness of who we are. This can be done by adding passions into our careers for levity and fun, while bringing in our careers to our passions for more depth and richness.


Professional Speaker Reel

Dr. Mott provides a motivational presentation demonstrating how life situations and juggling are very similar.


Large Group Performance

Mason High School first day back to school after the Covid-19 shut down. This is student and staff motivation at its finest.

ETLA Highlights

Dr. Jen Mott the keynote speaker for the EdTech Leaders Alliance Conference in Columbus, OH as part of a partnership with Learn21, ASCD, and ISTE. She was also able to share the work of teachers and staff towards teacher retention through the books and research of Teacherverance and Why Teaching?

Dr. Jenn Mott, ETLA


Character Education / Teacher Workshop

Dr. Mott relates to and motivates school staff with her riveting and informational presentation.


Glad Press N Seal Commercial

Check itout! Jen is featured in the Glad Press ‘n Seal Commercial for Proctor and Gamble.

BLINK 2024 Highlights

Dr. Jen Mott was honored to be a TorchBearer for the 2024 City of Cincinnati BLINK parade for her contributions to the city and the fields of entertainment + education. She was highlighted in a recap video of the opening parade and you can see the full interview with some comments on the TorchBearers HERE.

Dr. Jen Mott, BLINK 2024 Torchbearer


Leading with Purpose Podcast

“From Classroom to Center Ring: Dr. Jen Mott’s Journey of Passion and Perserverance” S2E1

In this podcast Dr. Jen Mott discusses her journey from entertaining to educating others to lead, empower, inspire and acheive.

CLiCK HERE to listen to the podcast.

Leading with Purpose Podcast


Teach Better Team Podcast

With Dr. Jen Mott

In this podcast Dr. Jen Mott discusses with Rae Hughart, podcast host, her research and book on teacher perserverance along with insightful analysis about why teachers perservere through challenging times.

CLiCK HERE to listen to the podcast.

Teach Better Talk Podcast


Big Idea to Bestseller Podcast

With Dr. Jen Mott

In this podcast host Jake Kelfer and Dr. Jen Mott discuss effective strategies to acquire speaking engagements prior to a book launch.

CLiCK HERE to listen to the podcast.

Big Idea to Best Seller Podcast with Jake Kelfer


Make Magic Happen Radio Show

With Dr. Jen Mott

Dr. Jen Mott and radio show host Kat O’Sullivan have a lively discussion about how merging big dreams with passion can transform lives.

CLiCK HERE to listen to the radio show.

CLICK HERE to listen to the podcast.

Make Magic Happen podcast


Picture Book Publishing: Why Teaching? Why Not!?

With Dr. Jen Mott

Chris is joined by author Dr Jen Mott, illustrator Sara Relojo and formatter Emily Hunter-Higgins to talk about their book ‘Why Teaching?’.

CLiCK HERE to listen to the podcast.

Why Teaching


George Couros: The Innovator’s Mindset

Educators that Inspire with Jen Mott

Jen Mott joins this episode of The Innovator’s Mindset Podcast! Dr. Mott and Couros have a great conversation at the beginning where we learn more about all the jobs Dr. Mott is currently “juggling” – including literal juggling! 

CLiCK HERE to listen to the podcast.

The Innovator's Mindset


George Couros: The Innovator’s Mindset

Nurturing Hope While Embracing Perseverance in Education

Finding solutions is not always about finding the answer, but it can be about asking a different question. Couros opens this episode of The Innovator’s Mindset Podcast with a reflection on why we should be asking “Why are people staying…” instead of “Why are people leaving the teaching profession?” Dr. Mott joins this episode to talk about her new book, Teacherverence, where she analyzes what is making teachers stay in education.

CLiCK HERE to listen to the podcast.

The Innovator's Mindset


Dr. Brandon Beck: Teacherverance

Why Teachers Stay

Dr, Brandon Beck hosts his podcast, “Unlocking Unlimited Potential” with Dr. Jen Mott describing her journey from circus performer to teacher, school administrator, and beyond!

CLiCK HERE to listen to the podcast.

Unlocking Unlimited Potential


Erin Galloway: 


How Classroom Perseverance Shaped Publishing Success

.In this podcast episode, educator and author Dr. Jen Mott shares her journey of writing “Teacherverance.” Her research dissertation, education administrative experience and years circus performing on big stages, allowed Jen to find the confidence to turn her academic work into a compelling narrative. The title, “Teacherverance,” reflects her innovative approach to distilling complex concepts into accessible language.

CLiCK HERE to listen to the podcast.

Press Publish


Erin Galloway: 

From Classroom to Storybook

How Two Educators Are Inspiring the Next Generation of Teachers

A SPECIAL PART 2 EPISODE WITH JEN MOTT! Join us for the heartwarming story of how two educators, Jen and Sara, embarked on a unique collaboration to publish a picture book, leaving an indelible mark on the future of teaching. Through their words, we witness the power of storytelling to unite communities, honor the past, and inspire future generations of teachers and learners alike.

CLiCK HERE to listen to the podcast.

Press Publish


Jen Mott, Ed.D. is an educator, author, entertainer, keynote speaker and motivator to students, staff, organizations and businesses who want to elevate their work, change their mindset, or be encouraged to fulfill their potential. In just 15-minutes you will learn: How to let your ideas, ambition, and drive lead you to your goals, hopes, and dreams and how to learn from those around you along the way.

CLiCK HERE to listen to the podcast.

Page-Turner Studio


Blue Roads Education Feature
“On Her Own Terms”

Dr. Jen Mott presents homegrown solutions for a patchwork world in this podcast “Blue Roads Education: On Her Own Terms.”


The Mindset Zone podcast – “Juggling Life & Work”

In this podcast, Jen discusses how being a circus performer has helped her communication skills, as well as how traveling has affected her life and journey. She explains how each of her jobs has affected the other positively, and she emphasizes the power of being open to finding the right choice in unexpected places.

She notes that it’s never too late to learn, she defines the Say-Yes-And-Figure-It-Out-Later Mindset, and she shares the benefits of the student mindset.

Listen Here

Mindset Zone


Adventures in Being Gifted – “Just Say YES”

In this podcast, Jen discusses how being a circus performer has helped her communication skills, as well as how traveling has affected her life and journey. She explains how each of her jobs has affected the other positively, and she emphasizes the power of being open to finding the right choice in unexpected places.

She notes that it’s never too late to learn, she defines the Say-Yes-And-Figure-It-Out-Later Mindset, and she shares the benefits of the student mindset.

Listen Here

Adventures in being gifted


Meet Jen Mott | Entertainer | Educator | TEDx Speaker | *Almost* Author

In this news article, ShoutOut Ohio interviews Dr. Mott and asks about her perspective on work and life balance, career, favorites and more.

Adventures in being gifted

Goshen High School Students Attend Student Leadership Conference: Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders

Dr. Jen Mott moved the students with her storytelling interwoven with acts of incredible juggling. Dr. Mott shared her own journey of leadership, resilience, and self-discovery, offering students insights through juggling. The visual and narrative made her session both entertaining and engaging, leaving students inspired to navigate their leadership paths. Read the article HERE.

Voyaging Ohio Article

Meet Jen Mott

In this article, Jen discusses how being a circus performer has helped her communication and teambuilding skills, as well as how traveling has affected her life and journey.

Dr. Mott is now a professional educator: Assistant Principal & Athletic Director at an amazing middle school in the suburbs of Cincinnati as well as an Instructor at Xavier University.

Finally, as a Keynote Speaker she works to spread the message of living our lives to our fullest potential for educators, students, corporations, and non-profits through unique stage presentations that involve juggling and fire or special workshops involving interactive balloon-animal making and how that intersects learning how to juggle life situations.

Read the Article

Jen Mott Voyage Ohio



Contact Jen

Get In Touch

Dr. Jen Mott is available for schools and staff as well as corporations, businesses and organizations for team building, motivational keynotes and more.

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Jen Mott